Hooks ISD Administration
Welcome to the HOOKS ISD Administration office.
Below is a brief introduction of the administrative staff. Please feel free to contact us using the information provided below.
Tracy Cook- Assistant Superintendent of Instruction- 903-547-6077 EXT 1021
Mike Smith - CPA, Business Office Manager - 903-547-6077 EXT 1025
Lisa Tullis- Payroll, Human Resources, & Webmaster- 903-547-6077- EXT 1022
Taylor Clements- Federal & Special Programs Coordinator -903-547-6077 EXT 1085
Judy Cochran- Accounts Payable- 903-547-6077 EXT 1023
Melinda Carlow- Administration Assistant- 903-547-6077 EXT 1036
Rowdy Peacock- Technology Director- 903-547-6077 EXT 2026
Carter Jackson - Admin Asst. to Business Manager - 903-547-6077 EXT 1095